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When it comes to the process of staffing a sales position, it’s two sides of the same coin. On one side we have the need for employers to hire skilled and competitive staff. On the other side of the coin is the need for talented employees to get hired by great companies. Both sides are looking for the perfect match according to our guest Gregg Salkovitch. Gregg is a recruiter and founder of Right Choice Resources. In this episode we discuss how to get a sales job and how to hire an outstanding sales professional.
The State of Sales in Spring 2018
For sales professionals, 2018 is a sellers market (no pun intended).
- The market is hot! Great time to get a job.
- Companies have a lot of competition when finding candidates. There are few great candidates available.
- Many sales professionals are super happy where they’re at. It takes a lot to motivate them to move.
How Candidates Earn a Sales Job
Gregg has the following advice for candidates:
- Hiring is a sale. Treat it like a sales call. For example, he had a candidate do a video conference in a T shirt. Don’t!
- Too many candidates don’t qualify, don’t follow up, don’t ask for the sale.
- You’re the product and no one knows it better than you.
- Do your research.
- Dress well.
- Remove and trim your facial hair.
- Don’t show up late.
- Be early, stop at Starbucks for a coffee nearby your appointment.
Customize Your Questions
Show your prospective employer you’ve done your homework. Ask…..
- I looked at your LinkedIn and see you’re successful.. what do you attribute it to?
- I saw you on YouTube and noticed
- I was looking at your competitor and noticed this… and have some thoughts
Good candidates can’t be quieted down. They keep the conversation rolling. Go straight to the decision makers. LinkedIn is the key. Don’t waste time filling out entry forms on a website. Get creative.
How to Ask for a Sales Job
As the interview winds down ask the following:
I really appreciate the opportunity to meet and I’m extremely interested in this role. Do you have any reservations that would prevent me from moving forward?
This gives the interviewer a prompt to voice objections. This gives the candidate an opportunity to turn the issue around. It may not have been covered earlier.
How Managers Hire for a Sales Job
Hiring managers need to recognize the market is tough
- Not a lot of “A” people
- Recognize it’s not a one way street. Not all candidates want to work for you
- It’s a date, it has to work in both directions
- It’s a matchmaking process
- Don’t see this one sided
- Managers over focus on the sellers rolodex
- Look outside your industry
- Search a larger pool of candidates than you think
- Don’t overly focus on the Resume. Be skeptical.
- Don’t trust a website will screen
- $40K base salary
- $125K base salary on high end
- Typically 50/50 split e.g $60K base and $60K if you hit your targets
Junior $50K, with very little commissions, and transition to
Always ask, “Based off your current team how many have made that the first year?”
How To Find Greg Salkovitch
Right Choice Resources